Support the Open Fuel Standard Act of 2011

On May 3rd, Representative John Shimkus introduced a bill in the House of Representatives, and passing it would reduce the amount of money orthodox Muslims have available to promote jihad.

The bill is the Open Fuel Standard Act of 2011 (H.R. 1687) and now is the perfect time to push it all the way through into law. The bill would make it mandatory for 95 percent of cars manufactured in the United States to be capable of burning multiple fuels by 2017.

Once this is mandatory, there will be a powerful financial incentive for gas stations to add other options besides gasoline. This will produce real competition in fuel production. The financial incentives will unleash a flood of creativity and inventiveness as companies scramble to make better, cheaper, less-toxic fuels available to an eager public.

The U.S. uses more oil than any other country in the world, and for the U.S. to drastically lower its oil consumption would change everything. Right now, every time anyone in the world fills their gas tank, they are helping fund global jihad. This money is poured into building projects all around the world — building mosques and maddrassas that advocate orthodox Islam with all its intolerance, totalitarianism, and violence. Saudi Arabia's oil wealth allows it to control about 90% of all Islamic instititions in the world (source: PDF document of a Wall Street Journal article).

The same enormous river of money helps finance "terrorist cells" around the world, it pays for weapons that kill Israelis and Coalition troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, it funds lobbyists in America, and so on. This has all got to stop.

There are a lot of things we could do to help reduce our reliance on Islamic oil, and the Open Fuel Standard will not interfere with any of them. And it is possible that the Open Fuel Standard, all by itself, could completely change the game — and it wouldn't cost the federal government a dime!

The bill would give us a choice at the pump: gas, ethanol, methanol, bio-diesel, or whatever inventive R&D people come up with next. The fuels could freely compete with each other, driving innovation, driving down prices, and encouraging investments in research to find an even cheaper fuel. The Open Fuel Standard can happen quickly and is very inexpensive.

What can you do to help? ACT! for America has made it really easy to make your voice heard by your member of Congress. You don't have to be a member of ACT! for America to use their communication tool. Anyone can use it. Click here to get started. You just type in your zip code and it sets you up with an email form already addressed to the appropriate member of Congress. A great letter is already written for you. It literally takes less than five minutes. Immediately afterward, you will get a confirmation letter saying that your message has been sent.

Sending a message to your member of Congress is great, but that should only be the beginning for you. The next task is to motivate others to do the same. As many others as possible. How many do you think you can convince to take action? Fifty? A hundred? Five hundred? Let's see what you can do!

Start persuading your friends now. Send them the link. Post it on Facebook. Tell them why it's important. If they don't like it when you talk about Islam, don't even have to mention Islam. Tell them it'll help save us money on gas at the pumps, it will allow for innovation and probably create new fuels that pollute less, it can even help solve Third World poverty (see Anne Korin's video below). Focus on the fact that it gives us more choices.

Get everyone you know to take action on this, and get them to persuade all their friends to get in on it. Let's focus on this and get it done.

Send your friends a link to Anne Korin's video: Anne Korin on Energy Independence. Loan them your copy of Turning Oil Into Salt. Motivate them to deal with this now. Imbue them with a sense of urgency.

We need to concentrate on this single issue while the bill is in committee. Let's make sure it has sufficient support in Congress before it is brought out of committee and onto the floor. This needs to happen now.

Read more about the open fuel or flex fuel standard:

Details of the current proposed legislation: Open Fuel Standard Act of 2011

Support an Open Fuel Standard

The Flex Fuel Imperative

Strike the Heart of Jihad

How to Boost the Economy of the Free World While Cutting Off Funds to Orthodox Muslim Countries

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